Bench & Pilot Testing
Our scientific, tech-neutral approach ensures success.
To determine the most effective treatment for a given project, our experienced water quality scientists and technicians offer a complete set of real-world water treatment evaluation tools from lab bench, pilot, and full-scale systems.
Bench-Scale Testing
To optimize treatment for specific locations, our approach starts with treatability testing. By testing a sample of the water you wish to treat, Clear Water chemists can determine the best technologies and treatments for your situation. Most common contaminants evaluated are:
- Turbidity/TSS
- Total Metals
- Oil & Grease
- PCBs
- PAHs
- Phosphorus & Nitrogen

Pilot Testing
Pilot testing is an even more comprehensive way to determine the exact type of treatment that’s best for your project. We install a small system on your site to actively test different treatment methods. This dynamic low-flow system requires little to no set up time or external power. We install it, run it, analyze the findings and show you a variety of options that will work for your project and for your budget.
- Adsorptive Column Modeling
- IX Modeling
- Rapid Small-Scale Column Testing
- Oxidation
- Electrocoagulation Modeling

Whether active or passive technology, specific treatment chemistries or absorptive multimedias, Clear Water’s bench and pilot testing ensures the best fit for your needs.