Complex environmental challenges made simple.
Our water treatment professionals gather pertinent information and develop a “best fit” comprehensive treatment approach for each client's unique site challenges. We balance long-term economics and effectiveness to ensure success over the life of the project.

Clear Water Services [was] awesome as the CESF Lead on the Static Test Project. You helped us make the AO process less complicated and that kept us in compliance with the permit. We appreciate your responsiveness with the stormwater treatment plans, the sampling, and contractor coordination
- Ron Grina; Everett Environmental Affairs (Boeing 45-12 Static Test Project)
PFAS Treatment
PFAS Treatment & Removal
Water quality and regulatory needs vary from project to project, and so do our treatment technologies. By conducting simple Water Quality Characterization and Bench-Scale Treatability Testing, Clear Water lab technicians can determine which treatment technologies and media are suitable for removing PFAS at the site. It also allows us to narrow down potential treatment chemistries and adsorptive multi-medias that may be suitable in a permanent stormwater treatment application.
In many treatment plans, a combination of more than one type of filtration, media, or technology may be used to remove different PFAS compounds as well as other parameters of concern at the site, such as sediment, metals, or nutrients. Bench-Scale testing allows for a fully customizable, effective approach to PFAS treatment and removal.