CESF-20; An all-inclusive treatment system
The CESF-20 Control System is an all inclusive control system designed to provide turn key operations of water treatment components ranging in flow rates between 200-400 gpm; all contained in a 20’ CONEX box.
The system can be customized to meet your site’s specific needs and scaled up or down as conditions change.
The CESF-20 as an all-inclusive treatment control unit, built to house multiple system components, such as, chemical injection, monitoring, pump controls and sand filtration into one treatment controller with a condensed footprint.
The PLC-based controls offers the most advanced level of automation in the water treatment market with remote access/control, data mgmt. Systems, alarm/alert historian, system component tracking, 4G wireless connectivity, web-cam access and onsite weather monitoring systems–all designed to provide the most advanced and cost effective balance of remote operations with environmental compliance.
Flow Rate: 100 – 350 GPM
Features: Self-container lab and weather station, alarm and text messaging transmission
Add On: Dashboard Ready